
PC&V Differentiates Abenson Appliance Store From The Rest
October 26, 2018

It is commonplace among appliance store brands to make predictable superiority claims – from the "biggest" to the  "best" – in an effort to stand out and attract prospective consumers. As a result, there is not only a lack of differentiation among the different appliance store brands, they have all become interchangeable in the minds of the consumer. To create a meaningful and unique positioning, PC&V explored the psyche of the target market and found out that most of them make purchase decisions based on facts and logic, with the ultimate goal of making a wise choice. Hence, the Abenson Shop Smart campaign was born. In a series of digital videos and OOH materials featuring endorser Piolo Pascual, the thought process of the smart Abenson shopper is revealed and dramatized. In the end, the objective was to tell consumers that making a trip to Abenson will satisfy all the criteria they look for in their search for the best buy. Check out one of the videos here.
